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Monday, January 23 2017

Smart Tips for Choosing High Quality Cement

In building constructions, cement is a crucial element used to paste stones, bricks, and other building materials. Cement could also be used in concrete and plaster construction. The selection of cement has a huge effect on a building’s strength and durability. Therefore, you need to ensure that you are using the right quality cement for your construction.

When it comes to choosing the right cement, select cement with smooth texture. Hard and lumpy texture indicates that the cement quality has decreased because it has been stored for too long or because of contamination. When buying cement, make sure that the packaging is in good condition, dry, and tightly sealed, as broken packaging could affect the cement’s quality. For a strong and durable building, make sure to use premium quality cement that fulfills European and Indonesian quality standard, such as Semen Merah Putih.
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