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Friday, December 27 2013

Semen Merah Putih Karnaval 2013

Semen Merah Putih Karnaval 2013 is an event where Semen Merah Putih shows appreciation to all our retailers in Indonesia for the cooperation, hard work and contribution given to Semen Merah Putih.

Retailers hold an important role in the marketing process of Semen Merah Putih for the past year. Therefore, as a token of appreciation and an effort to form bonding with all retailers in Indonesia, Semen Merah Putih held the Semen Merah Putih Karnaval 2013 event especially for them.

Semen Merah Putih Karnaval 2013 was successfully held in 6 big cities in Indonesia, which are Banten (June 2th 2013), Jakarta (June 15th 2013), Medan (June 22nd 2013), Bandung (October 27th 2013), Surabaya (November 9th 2013), and Pontianak (December 14th 2013).

In the event, Semen Merah Putih invited the retailers and families to spend their weekend with interesting and entertaining attractions. During the event, there is a lot of enthusiasm and joy in every retailer's face and their family who came to the event.

Not only providing interesting and entertaining attractions, Semen Merah Putih also gave back by giving out prizes worth hundred of millions rupiah in value to the lucky retailers.

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