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Monday, October 23 2017

The Usage of Reinforced Concrete for Construction

There are a lot of things to consider during house construction process to achieve good quality construction, including construction budget, timeline, technical implementation, and manpower. However, there is one other crucial thing that you should consider, which is construction material choice. This is important because material choice has a huge effect on construction result.

One of the most commonly used material in house construction is reinforced concrete. Reinforced concrete is a type of concrete which has a steel reinforcement placed in the middle of the concrete to increase its strength. This type of concrete is very popular, not only in Indonesia, but also throughout the world.

Reinforced concrete offers a lot of advantages for your house construction. The steel reinforcement makes this type of concrete has a bigger tensile strength compared to other concrete types. The combination of concrete and steel allows reinforced concrete to handle heavy weight compression. Reinforced concrete is also quite resistant to vibration. This increases durability and reduce maintenance costs.

Reinforced concrete consists of various materials, including sand, gravel, steel reinforcement, as well as cement and water. These materials allow reinforced concrete to be easily obtained in Indonesia with easier production process. Moreover, reinforced concrete could also be shaped according to your construction needs.

Reinforced concrete is often used as a material for general construction, such as building, bridge, tunnel, tank, and irrigation facility construction. Beside for general construction, this material is also suitable for use in house construction as a substitute for wood, bamboo, and some other materials. Reinforced concrete is commonly used for building structure due to its strong characteristic. Therefore, this material is often used for foundation, column, block, as well as sliding wall. Furthermore, reinforced concrete could also be used for house furniture. Some of the most common usage are for concrete table, concrete bench, and decorative house wall divider. By using concrete as a base material, you could add a beautiful industrial touch to your house.

Construction planning could help you spare the right amount of time for house construction. Furthermore, do not forget to pay attention to the type of concrete you are using. For a stronger, more durable, stronger, and high quality construction, make sure to use Merah Putih Beton products that are designed for various applications according to consumers’ needs. This product is available in various quality choices that you could use for different types of constructions.

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