16 December 2024
Written By Semen Merah Putih

What is the Ideal Size of a Kitchen Set? Here's the Answer!

Kitchen set is an important part of cooking activities. The ideal kitchen set size has a height of 85 - 110 cm from the floor. Read more here!

Ideal Size of a Kitchen Set

The kitchen set is the part of the kitchen where you do the cooking. Organizing the placement of the kitchen set is very important so that you can cook comfortably and still maintain an aesthetic impression. Therefore, it is important to know the ideal size of the kitchen set so that the kitchen area looks more beautiful so that you can be much more comfortable when cooking. 

The shape and size of the kitchen set can be adjusted to the kitchen area you have. In addition, you can also choose various kitchen set models and concepts according to your taste. Let's take a look at the following article to find out the ideal kitchen set size for your kitchen!

The Ideal Kitchen Set Size

A kitchen set is a series of furniture placed in the kitchen that is designed to fulfill functional and aesthetical needs. Kitchen sets generally consist of an upper cabinet, lower cabinet, stove top, sink, countertop, shelves, backsplash, and cooker hood vents.

Kitchen set designs and sizes can vary and are generally customized to suit the kitchen area. Examples of commonly used kitchen set designs are L-shaped, I-shaped (Single line), U-shaped, G-shaped, or island shape with a separate table in the center of the kitchen.

Here are some ideal sizes for each element in the kitchen set that you can use as a reference:

Height of A Kitchen Set

The kitchen set table functions as a work area for general cooking activities such as cutting, preparing, and placing cooking ingredients. The kitchen set table can also be used to place electronic cookware such as rice cooker, microwave, oven, mixer, and others.

The height of the ideal kitchen set table ranges from 85 cm to 110 cm measured from the floor surface. The height of the kitchen set is of course adjusted to the user's waist position so that when cooking does not need to bend or tiptoe.

Width of Upper Cabinet

Furthermore, the upper cabinet is a part of the kitchen set that functions as a storage place for kitchen utensils such as plates, bowls, glasses, cups, and cooking utensils. In addition, the upper cabinet can also be used to store canned food, packaging, or food seasonings. 

The upper cabinet is usually square or rectangular in shape and insulated on the inside. The width of the ideal kitchen set cabinet ranges from 50-70 cm, depending on your needs. 

Length and Width of Kitchen Table

The kitchen table in the kitchen set is generally used to prepare and do cooking preparations. This means that if the kitchen table is not wide enough, the cooking activity will be a bit disrupted. The width of the ideal kitchen table is around 50-70 cm. Meanwhile, the length of the ideal kitchen set is usually around 120-200 cm. If you have a large kitchen area and many electronic devices that require storage tables, then the length and width can be added according to your needs.

Dishwasher Size

In addition to the cabinet and table, the kitchen set also includes a sink. There are two types of sinks to choose from: single and double. The size of the sink usually ranges from 80-90cm.

Space Between Cabinet and Kitchen Table

If you are cooking, of course you need enough space between the upper cabinet and the kitchen table where you work. The distance between the upper cabinet and the countertop must be adjusted so that it is neither too high nor too low.

A cabinet that is too high will make it difficult for you to take kitchen utensils in it. However, if it is too short, then cooking activities will also feel uncomfortable. Therefore, the distance between the cabinet and the kitchen countertop should ideally be 85-110 cm.

Cooker Hood

Have you ever felt that there is too much smoke and the smell of food spreads throughout the house when cooking? Although it sounds simple, it can actually be a bit annoying. To deal with excess smoke and food aroma when cooking, you can utilize a cooker hood. 

The cooker hood is a component of the kitchen set that functions to suck out steam, smoke, and oil particles when cooking. The cooker hood will help you improve the air circulation in the kitchen to create a comfortable cooking atmosphere. The placement of the cooker hood is usually 50-70 cm away from the stove. 

Factors that Affect the Size of a Kitchen Set

The size of the ideal kitchen set will vary from kitchen to kitchen because it must adjust to the needs of each user. The point is, making a kitchen set should prioritize its functional and comfort aspects. Here are some factors that you can consider to get the ideal kitchen set size:

  • The area of the kitchen room.
  • Family needs and lifestyle.
  • Electronic appliances that must be stored in the kitchen (refrigerator, dispenser, magic com, oven).
  • Circulation and lighting.
  • The design of your dream kitchen set.
  • Aesthetics and interior.

Tips for Choosing Kitchen Set Size

Choosing the ideal kitchen set size can be a challenge because each kitchen area has a different size. For that reason, here are some tips that can be done to determine the right kitchen set size:

1. Tips for Small Kitchens

If you have a small kitchen, focus on using the space efficiently. Consider choosing a compact kitchen set model such as the I or L model. You should also pay attention to organized and neat kitchen item arrangement techniques to save space.

2. Tips for Large Kitchens

However, if you have a large kitchen, then the size of the kitchen set will be more flexible. You can choose a kitchen set model that is G-shaped, L-shaped, or island-shaped with an area that is adjusted to your needs. In addition, you can also modify the kitchen set by adding a minibar and other decorative elements. 

3. Tips for Irregular Kitchens

For irregular kitchen types, you can create a customized kitchen set. Instead, make use of corner shelves and cabinets to maximize every part of the kitchen. Don't forget to make space for the flow of activities.

Now that you know the ideal size of your kitchen set, you may have started to imagine what shape and size would be suitable for your kitchen. Kitchen sets are generally made to resemble an L or U shape. However, the size and shape can still be adjusted to suit your kitchen space. In order for your kitchen set to last for a long time, you need to choose high-quality materials.

Confused about looking for quality and premium materials? Products from Semen Merah Putih can be your mainstay! If you want to make a sturdy and durable kitchen set, then you can try Semen Merah Putih Watershield, a super premium multipurpose cement with many advantages over ordinary cement. Of course, it is suitable for all building applications such as foundations, concrete slabs, castings, masonry, plastering, and acing. 

In addition, Semen Merah Putih Watershield is also equipped with Water Repellent Technology that provides Triple Protection to buildings, water seepage protection from 3 sources (outside, inside, and from the ground), making buildings stronger, more durable, and minimal maintenance.

Want to consult further for more information about our products? Contact us and find the best solution for building your dream kitchen set!


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