About Us
Established in 2011, PT Cemindo Gemilang Tbk is a leading cement producer renowned for its Semen Merah Putih brand, synonymous with premium quality. The company upholds its commitment to excellence through the utilization of superior materials and a team of skilled professionals managing its state-of-th..
To become a global leading company in the building material industry by exerting innovative solutions.
Providing innovative products that are more desirable and the best service with reliable, eco-friendly company management, and provide more added value for all shareholders.
Why Choose Us?

Innovation for Quality Assurance
Semen Merah Putih's products are the outcome of cutting-edge cement technology innovations that meet global standards. Additionally, our quality-driven product development is customized to meet the needs of Indonesian consumers. This innovation ensures certainty in cement quality, facilitating easier application for both structural and non-structural purposes, resulting in stronger and more durable buildings.
Business Integration
Our forte lies in seamlessly integrating our cement operations from upstream to downstream, with a keen emphasis on developing high-quality and innovative products. These offerings not only provide solutions but also deliver added value to our customers.
Widespread Distributor Network
Our products are distributed to more than 17 provinces in Sumatra, Kalimantan, Java, Bali, and Nusa Tenggara.
Sustainable Development
We are committed to implementing the principles of sustainable development in all activities aimed at creating a safe environment and aligning business policies with sustainable practices.
Quality Standard Certification
- Standard Product
- Quality Management System

SNI 0302:2014
Portland PozzolanSNI 8912:2020
Hydraulic CementSNI 2049-1:2020
Ordinary Portland CementSNI 8363:2017
Slag CementSNI 7064:2022
Portland Composite Cement
SOLAS 74 Chapter XI-2
Special Port for Cement
EN 197-1:2011
Type CEM I 42.5NEN 197-1:2011
Type CEM I 52.5NEN 197-1:2011
Type CEM II B-M 32.5N
PNS 63:2019
PORTLAND CEMENTAppreciation for Our Dedication

Winner WCA Climate Action Award 2023
World Cement Association

Proper Biru 2021-2022
Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan

Proper Biru 2019-2020
Kementrian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan

Proper Biru 2018-2019
Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan
Profile Business
Holding Company

KPN Corp is a holding company formed in 2019 and headquartered in Jakarta. KPN Corp has several businesses, including oil palm plantations.. Read More
Business Unit

PT Cemindo Gemilang Tbk is a premier cement producer in Indonesia, known for its high-quality products. Through our Semen Merah Putih bran.. Read More
Subsidiary Company

Beton Merah Putih is a downstream product brand of Semen Merah Putih, managed by PT Motive Mulia, a subsidiary of PT Cemindo Gemilang Tbk... Read More